- VISA、会社設立、生活課題に対して法律専門家等との充実した連携サポート
- 信頼の法律専門家等をいつでも簡単に探してご相談(初回オンライン30分無料、多言語対応可能)
- 住みやすい環境支援、コミュニテティー、情報交流のネットワーク提供
- Comprehensive support through collaboration with legal professionals for VISA, company establishment, and daily life challenges
- Easy access to trusted legal professionals for consultation anytime (First 30 minutes online consultation is free, multilingual support available)
- Provision of support for creating a livable environment, community building, and a network for information exchange
By completing a simple registration (free), you can participate in the community. Through the forum, you can expand your network, connect with communities from your home country, and use it as a space for exchanging useful information about living in Japan. It may also serve as an opportunity for problem-solving or generating new ideas through new personal connections. Additionally, through the inquiry form, you can individually consult with trusted legal professionals (First 30-minute online consultation is free).
Nagomi will continue to listen to the voices of foreign residents, offering support with compassion and working towards creating a better and more livable environment